Survey related to Multi-ages class in pre-school (Maternelle PS-MS-GS)

Dear Parents,

Two years ago, on an experimental basis, the LFIT initiated a project to create a multi-ages class framework (pupils from the following levels PS-MS-GS being together in one class). We are reaching the end of the second year of this experimentation. At the last School Council, the Administration proposed to extend this experiment to all pre-school classes as of September 2019. We, the FLT parents association, offered to conduct a survey to collect feedback from all parents with children in pre-school and evaluate whether this generalisation of the multi-ages address (no more single age class) reflects the wish of the families. We welcome testimonials from parents with kids already enrolled in a multi-level class (benefits, area where this could be improved…) as well as the rationale behind their choice (not) to enroll their children into this project. This survey is anonymous, but you may give us your email address if you wish to receive a summary of this survey.

In order to respond to this survey please click here (should take less than 10min).

Note: there is no relation between this Multi-age survey and the primary school language program reform.

FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association