INFO FLT: Summary of the Primary School Council held on February 14th, 2023
Link to the detailed minutes in French (X pages).… (not yet available)
One-page summary
- The 2023-2024 enrollment campaign has started, with 81 applications so far. A message was sent on February 17 to initiate re-enrollment.
- According to the results of the national assessments, the overall results of our first graders are above the average of the Asia Pacific schools.
- The proposed School Project will be validated at the School Council. The Director emphasizes the strong investment of the teachers with 18 discovery field trip classes planned.
- The LFI Tokyo presented a proposal on the evolution of the language curriculum with a reduction from 10.5 hours to 9 hours of classes in English/Japanese for SIA/J, and to 4.5 hours a week of classes in English/Japanese for PARLE from MS to CM2. Parents question the effectiveness of these changes in reducing the complexity of the organization and ask to be consulted regarding the allocation of these hours by subject.
- LFI Tokyo staff and parents agreed on a proposed 2023-2024 school calendar based on students starting school on September 4 and finishing on June 28, with 2 weeks off during each school vacation period.
- On the report cards, parents called out differences in the use of the color codes depending on the teacher; identical positioning of all students in one of the classes; as well as the absence of comments; making it difficult to appreciate the level of the child. The Director advises concerned parents contact the teachers directly for more details.
- The Director mentioned that the wide differences of English level of the students in CP PARLE is being managed by the teachers through differentiation. However, separating the students into two groups by level could be considered from next year.
- There is no obligation for SI students to make up all the work done by the rest of the class during their absence.
- The half hour of English class that was canceled in SI in period 3 cannot be made up by an extra hour in period 4 for contractual reasons.
- The Director confirms that he has requested the cafeteria supervisors not to force the children to eat, and to let the children who have made the effort of tasting each dish get a second serving.
- An extracurricular activity to deepen the Japanese language for 2023-2024 is being considered
- Physical Education makes up 3 hours of the week, which can be divided into 4 sessions of 45 minutes or 3 sessions of one hour.