Presentation of a new association for the prevention of school dropout

Dear parents,

FLT-fapée is pleased to announce the creation of an association for the prevention of school dropout open to French-speaking parents.

Do not hesitate to contact them if you need help.


ÉLÈVES EN RISQUE DE DÉCROCHAGE is an association that offers a support  group for parents whose children do not feel well at school to the point that they stop attending There are many dropouts, 245,000 in Japan and 89,000 in France*, in both primary and secondary schools. They come from all types of families across  all socio-professional categories.  

The educational role of school and the value that society places on diplomas and achievement make it difficult and  very stressful for families when their child drops out. However, the current situation  of social, economic and ecological challenges is accentuating the feelings of stress and helplessness. The  Covid pandemic also played a major role. In this context, dropping out of school  means even more uncertainty and risk in the child’s  life path. So how can you help your child get better?

This association strives to help parents find answers thanks to the mutual aid between families who have gone or are going through the same situation . Having a safe place to  talk about their shared  challenges and to hear about the experiences of others will help parents to come up with different solutions, reduce the legitimate anxiety they are feeling and allow better communication at home, a better understanding of their child’s difficulties and needs and how to address them.  

The meetings are held monthly, every second Sunday of the month, from 10am to 12pm. Participation is free. The meetings are conducted  in French. The place of the meeting will be  determined depending on the number of  attendees: For larger venues a 500 yen participation will be requested to cover the rental fee. 

You can contact the association at this email address :

FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association