Provision of Care and Medications: Rights, Duties, and Constraints at the LFI Tokyo
Fundamental Principles:
- The infirmary of LFI Tokyo (or any other school in Japan) can only administer treatment if it is part of a duly completed Individual Support Plan (PAI), with a medical certificate. Medications must be provided by the family in accordance with the prescription and dosage.
Please note that in Japanese schools, it is the children themselves who keep the necessary medications in their bags.
- However, the penal code allows for an exception: an act that avoids an immediate risk of death, insofar as the damage caused by that act is less than the damage that was thus avoided, is legal. Thus, an injection to a person in a state of mortal shock is legally permitted and should not be subject to prosecution.
Cases of Severe Allergies:
- EpiPens are prescribed individually by doctors for people suffering from allergies with a risk of anaphylaxis and cannot be purchased by individuals or schools: they cannot therefore be obtained and stocked by schools for emergency use. The only EpiPens that LFI Tokyo has are those provided by families as part of their child’s PAI.
- In Japan, the use of prescribed medications by one person for another person for different purposes is prohibited by law (Act on Pharmaceutical and Medical Device 医薬品医療機器法、薬事法). Nurses (or any other staff) risk violating the law by using medications prescribed to others and may face criminal prosecution. Exceptions are explained in point number 2.
- In an emergency, an ambulance is called, and the nurse monitors the patient’s condition, prevents secondary injuries, and applies first aid until the emergency services arrive. If necessary, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) or other equipment can be used.
- In Japan, there is no emergency medical service system like SAMU used in France. In case of an emergency, it is necessary to call an ambulance, provide first aid, and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
- In case of an emergency situation such as anaphylactic shock, epileptic seizure, severe injury, or respiratory distress, an ambulance is called, and we follow the PAI protocols when available and use the prescribed medications while informing the family. We ensure safety while waiting for the emergency services to arrive.