Results: Back to school protocol FLT survey May 25-26 2020 (in person vs. remote learning)



Number of responses

165 families responded to this survey sent to the FLT members and spread on Social Media including the "Parents LFIT" Facebook group. This represents 43 Maternelle pupils, 113 in Elementary school and 93 in Junior-Hi, 30 High School students. This represents a total of 279 students out of the ~1438 studying at the LFI Tokyo
Numerous comments were provided, to either propose other options or request details with regards to the protocol.

Résultats principaux

3 options were proposed:

  • Maximum time at school in class (whole days, no remote learning)
  • Mix of school classes and remote learning (1/2 days with remote learning)
  • Remote learning only (CPD) as since March 9th

Once the responses have been consolidated in one of the 3categories the results show:

Choisce Frequency
Other 40
CPD 38
Mix classroom/Remote learning 109
Class room only 92

By level :

Other CPD Mix classroom/Remote learning Classroom only
Elémentaire - Elementary school 16 12 44 41
Maternelle 5 2 9 27
Secondaire (collège) - Junior-Hi School 14 21 44 14
Secondaire (lycée) - High School 5 3 12 10

A majority clearly emerges in Maternelle: class room only without remote learning.
In Elementary, the results are very close to a tie between class room only no remote learning and 1/2 days in class with remote learning.
For Junior-hi and High-school, remote learning is leading with a desire for social interactions on site.

Looking at the data by commuting mode:

Slicing the data, sorting by families with children commuting by public transportation:

Other CPD Mix classroom/Remote learning Class room only
Elémentaire - Elementary school 7 5 18 16
Maternelle 3 0 4 2
Secondaire (collège) - Junior-Hi School 11 13 31 13
Secondaire (lycée) - High School 3 1 8 7

Isolating data from responding families that are exclusively using the LFI Tokyo school bus system:

Other CPD Mix classroom/Remote learning Class room only
Elémentaire - Elementary school 8 2 16 25
Maternelle 2 2 3 15

In Elementary school, there is a clear difference between those leveraging the school bus and the others: choice for Classroom only predominant for the the former group.

For those coming by car or other transportation modes:

Other CPD Mix classroom/Remote learning Class room only
Elémentaire - Elementary school 3 3 15 5
Maternelle 0 0 4 9
Secondaire (collège) - Junior-Hi School 4 7 11 0
Secondaire (lycée) - High School 4 2 5 1

Considering the commute time

This information wasn't systematically filled out, families using the LFI Tokyo school bus were excluded from the dataset.

Other CPD Mix classroom/Remote learning Class room only
entre 30 et 60 ’ 8 8 25 14
inférieur à 30 ’ 11 11 26 15
supérieur à 60 ’ 4 8 13 3


FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association