Summary of the Elementary School Council of November 10, 2022
The full minutes are published in French on this page:
- Presentation by the Director of the figures for the start of the 2022-2023 school year (attached). The total number of students in Primary school is 810, with the opening of a 6th class of CP this year. The proportion of single-nationality French students is 16% compared to 67% of French-Japanese students with dual-nationality. Students of Japanese as a mother tongue (JLM) represent 69% of the total, compared to 31% taking Japanese as a foreign language (JLE).
- The implementation of the PARLE/SI system means a faster pace and denser content during the common French hours, which impacts all students, even those in the “standard” section. This system hinders a smooth pace of learning and is detrimental to the children. It lacks flexibility in managing schedules. It creates constraints in terms of student movement between classes, material and the number of teachers involved.
- The hourly schedule for Japanese in SIJ and English in SIA are identical despite the fact that the requirements seem to be different: less needs in SIJ since Japanese is already the mother tongue of the children while English is a foreign language for most of the SIA children. For example, doubts are being raised about the usefulness of including sports or art classes in Japanese rather than French language. Finally, the absence of history classes in French in CM1 and CM2 SI was pointed out. SIJ students coming back to French class for 30 minutes does not seem very productive. These last 2 points will be reviewed for the start of the 2023-2024 school year, or perhaps earlier with regards to the half-hour.
- Therapeutic care for students with special educational needs (EBEP), during or after school time, is possible within the LFI Tokyo premises, with a PAP.
- 15 extracurricular activities are being offered , i.e. 378 pupils are enrolled. The extracurricular buses will not be set up again this year because the service is in deficit.
- The Director reminds everyone that punitive measures are forbidden in Primary school, and that any measures taken by the teacher must be educational in nature.
- The request for a “school zone” around the annex was refused by the town hall because it requires the agreement of all the neighbors. An additional person has been hired to help with traffic and ensure the safety of the students.
- School trips are resuming for all the CP in May 2023, the 5 CE2, as well as some CM1.
- The use of French in the playground is encouraged but not forced.
- Teachers are not aware of any problems of harassment at the moment. The Director insists on the importance of not using this word lightly. “Harassment” implies “violence”, “repetition” and “isolation of the victim”.
- A canopy has been installed in the annex courtyard to protect from the sun and rain.
- A follow-up meeting on the health protocol is scheduled for November 24. The subject of wearing masks will be discussed.
- Visits are scheduled at the end of November, which will guide the thinking of LFI Tokyo on the current language system and its evolution: Mr. Vial (Inspector of National Education, Asia zone) and Mr. Galan
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