Workshop Faber and Mazlish – Siblings without rivalry

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Faber and Mazlish winter parenting workshops in partnership with the FLT.

Workshops in small groups of parents ´ Siblings without rivalry’. 

Learn to recognize and understand the reasons behind rivalry, the negative sides of comparison, how to give to each child according to their needs, how to intervene positively during fights and encourage children to resolve conflict between themselves and peacefully.

Workshops are confidential and held in small groups of 8 parents max. Suitable for all parents of children 0 to 18 years old. Each workshop is 2,5 hours long and attendance to all workshops is required.

Dates : six workshops on Thursday February 8th, 15th, 22nd and March 14th, 21st, 28th from 10AM to 12:30.

Fees : 20 000 JPY – Includes the participant’s workbook for members of Ippo Ippo or FLT  (Actual price 2000 JPY).You will need: ‘Siblings without rivalry’ Faber and Mazlish
Participant’s workbook (free for Ippo Ippo and FLT members) Where : 10 minutes from  subway  Itabashikuyakushomae (Mita line) or  Itabashi/Jujo (Saikyo line) – Itabashi-ku

Who we are: Alice KIBE-CRENN and Gaëlle CHATENET are two professional counselors working in Tokyo and who have been living in Japan for several years. Moms of children of the LFIT and involved in the local community.
They run the workshop creating a safe space where parents can share their struggles and achievements freely and without any judgement.

The workshops are in French. However, given a sufficient number of participants, workshops in English are also available.

FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association