Prepared by the attending parents: Caroline Després, Jean-Bernard Dumerc, Célia Hughes, and Pierre-François Vilquin. This document is not an official report. Participants: 13 Voters: 11 Quorum: Met Agenda Administrative Matters 1.1. Appointment of session secretary and deputy secretary 1.2. Approval of the agenda 1.3. Approval of the minutes from the June 13, 2024, meeting 1.4. […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform, School Council
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform
Dear Parents, The first holidays are coming to an end, and we are already entering the second term, which will take us up to the Christmas break. This is the time for us to send you the first newsletter, with details of what has happened since the start of the school year. We hope you […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform
English version letter by Célia Hughes
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications
Dear parents, As the first 7 weeks of school come to an end and the mid-term vacations approach, it’s time for us to take stock. This autumn, the association has welcomed families and newcomers, bolstered by the enthusiasm of many volunteers eager to join the FLT team. Speaking of newcomers, our sponsorship offer, […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform
Dear parents of LFI Tokyo, dear members of FLT, The first week of this new school year 2023-2024 has already passed. We hope it went smoothly and joyfully for both the young and the grown-ups! Attached, you will find our back-to-school letter summarizing briefly the goals of the association as well as the actions […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications
Hi everyone, Here is an update on the school furnitures delivery. All the details of the contents of the 15 pallets of school supplies have been provided to the Japanese customs. Depending on the path of typhoon #13, delivery to the LFI Tokyo should take place on Monday, September 12th. An additional day will be […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Our Activities
Categories : Asking for financial help, INFO FLT and other communications
The FLT-Fapee is pleased to announce that we are renewing our tradition of organizing a raffle for the year-end school party. Since the last edition was held back in 2019, we had to rebuild a small team for the project in record time: the FLT office warmly thanks Amélie, Carine P and Vassaly P […]
Categories : Events, INFO FLT and other communications, Our Activities, Useful tips for your daily life
Dear Tokyo Lycée families, Writing to you at the end of each school period has become an important way for us to keep in touch… A means to keep you informed of our activities and topics that are top of mind for your parent association. The 4th period came to an end with […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform
Dear LFI Tokyo families, Writing to you at the end of each period has become a tradition… A way for us to keep you informed of the topics and activities that are keeping the parent association busy. The 3rd period came to an end with a final week full of meetings involving the […]
Categories : act, INFO FLT and other communications, Inform, Represent
Dear Tokyo Lycée families, This second period and first quarter are coming to an end and it’s already Christmas break! In case you haven’t followed messages from the Tokyo Lycée Parents Association regularly, here is a small summary of our actions over the last months: We represented the parents at the primary school council, the […]
Categories : act, INFO FLT and other communications, Inform, No classification, Represent
Dear LFI Tokyo teachers, This is with great sorrow that we recieived the news of a teacher has fallen victim of terrorism in France. Samuel Paty was a History&Geography professor at Bois-d’Aulne Junior High School, in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (France). Shocked, Mr Paty died because he believed in the importance of helping pupils to […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications
Dear members, Parents in Junior High and High school, On October 14th, the Parents’ Association was informed by a parent and some students that thefts have been committed in the gym locker rooms on the morning of Oct 13th,, more than ten “2nde” students that were in class during that time were concerned, with nearly […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform
Dear parents, Thomas Silverstone, President of Sciencescope, the association of French speaking researchers and students in Japan, offer French based academic support in Japan (French acronym: SSFJ). The service is delivered by volunteers, free of charge. SSJF is a collaborative platform to connect families with volunteer teachers. The families discuss directly with volunteer teachers about the […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Inform
間もなく日本語版を送ります。もう少々お待ちください。 Dear Parents, Following Ms. Koike’s, the Governor of Tokyo, declarations, we wish to inform you that as of yesterday, we made a request to the LFI Tokyo’s administration to study the conditions for implementing a full reopening of the school, as quickly as possible and for the remaining of this academic year, The LFI […]
Categories : COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications
Dear members, During this period of school lock-down, the Parents Association FLT has been supporting the community by providing a venue for parent’s feed-back. Our last message was highly commented , with expression of both support and criticism. We would like to clarify some points in order to ensure a healthy and productive communication between […]
Categories : Advisory to the board committee, Board Meeting, COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Junior and Senior High School Council, Primary School Council, School Council, Who are the FLT-fapee
Dear Members, Over the last few months, our school has been through a series of intense debates, we wish to inform you of our FLT association’s actions. Today we report the key points discussed during the recent LFIT Board meeting, which lasted almost 3 hours and a half. A detailed summary will be available […]
Categories : Board Meeting, COVID-19, Exemption from school fees, INFO FLT and other communications
Dear Members, During these exceptional and difficult times, the Association (Familles du Lycée de Tokyo – FLT) remains at your side to hear from each of you. Over the last few months, our school has been through a series of high impact events and we would like to inform you of the role we have […]
Categories : COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Primary School Council, School Council
2020/05/26 CPD = Continuité Pédagogique à Distance (Remote learning) Number of responses 165 families responded to this survey sent to the FLT members and spread on Social Media including the “Parents LFIT” Facebook group. This represents 43 Maternelle pupils, 113 in Elementary school and 93 in Junior-Hi, 30 High School students. This represents […]
Categories : COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications
We apologize for not being able to provide a Japanese version given the very short timeline. Dear Parents, LFI Tokyo announced a partial lifting of the lock-down, with Maternel kids returning 1/3 of the week, Elementary (CP-CM2) returning to school every other day. Secondary (6eme-Term) would use a hybrid system (2,5 afternoon/week at school […]
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Primary School Council, School Council
We regret to inform you that the immersion course at the Japanese primary school Meisho (Chuo-ku) usually organized by the FLT-fapée each year in early July for the primary students of LFI Tokyo will not take place this year due to the current health situation. We hope of course we will organize it again next year!
Categories : INFO FLT and other communications, Summer immersion course- Japanese elementary school Meshio
Dear members, During this period of school closure, the Lycee Families Association has been staying in contact with you and the head of the school. We would like to hereby inform you of the measures we have taken and of what we know so far. School is working on a restarting protocol at […]
Categories : Asking for financial help, COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Our Activities
Dear Members Please find below important information and updates received from the LFIT. 1- Scholarships: First commission for Consular Scholarship for the upcoming school year (2020-2021) AND the third trimester of the current school year (2019-2020): Deadline to turn in all documents is MAY 21st. All requests are now being reevaluated, taking the new situation […]
Categories : Asking for financial help, COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Solidarity Fund committee