Presentation of the FLT “inclusive school” group

At the beginning of the 2021 school year, the FLTs created a  committee of 6 parents to provide suggestions on inclusive schooling and offer better support for students with special educational needs (EBEP).

This includes all students who benefit from special support, as formalized by :

Objectives of the group

First actions of the group


If you are interested in any of these projects or would like to contribute to any of the resources, please contact us at ecole-inclusive [at] (replace [at] with @).

Many acronyms…

AESH : Learning Support Assistant for students with disabilities 

CPE: Educational Head Supervisor

EBEP: child with special educational needs

EIP: intellectually precocious child

MDPH: departmental house for disabled people 

PAI: individualized provision plan

PAP: personalized support plan

PPRE: a personalized program for educational success

PPS: Individual Education Plan 

ADD/ADHD: attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity 

ASD: autism spectrum disorder


FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association