Written by the attending parents: Caroline Despres, Célia Hughes, Pierre-François Vilquin, and Pierre Morgan Riche. This document is not an official report. Number of participants: 12 Number of voters: 16 Quorum reached Opening of the session: 16:05 Start of the session: 16:05 The Principal expressed regret over the excused absence of staff representatives. […]
Categories : School Council
Version with additional details : https://www.familles-lycee-tokyo.com/en/detailed-summary-of-the-school-council-meeting-on-june-13-2024/ The last School Council meeting on June 13, 2024, addressed several agenda items. Here is a summary of the discussions and decisions made during this meeting: Update of the Student Code of Conduct : Validation of the changes discussed in the school council and CSD. Health and Sexuality […]
Categories : School Council
Summary of the Secondary Education Council (CSD) on May 30th, 2024 Update of the Student Code of Conduct Discussion on sanctions for wearing religious or political symbols, use of social media, and addition of the prohibition of racist or anti-Semitic remarks. Proposed adjustments for late arrivals and recommendations regarding illnesses. Discussion on the use of […]
Categories : Junior and Senior High School Council, Represent
Dear members, On Thursday, June 20th, the third Board of Directors meeting (CA) of the current school year will be held, focusing on the budget adjustments for the 2023-2024 academic year, the planning of the renovation work that needs to be done in the coming months and projects that need to be continued next year. […]
Categories : Board Meeting
Dear members, On Monday, March 18, the second Board of Directors meeting (CA) of the current school year will be held, focusing on the budget for the 2024-2025 academic year following the establishment of tuition fees voted on during the 1st CA on November 16, 2023. The Board of Directors is the body that manages […]
Categories : Board Meeting
Adoption of the minutes of the Primary School Council meeting on 10/13/2023. Enrollment : increase in the number of primary students from 817 to 827 (+10 students). Language programs : PARLE Japanese -2 students (12%). PARLE English +11 (27%), SI Japanese +2 (8%), SI American -4 (20%). National assessments : CP PARLE students scored above […]
Categories : Primary School Council
Summary of the Primary School Council of October 12th, 2023 Total enrollment in kindergarten and elementary : 817 students at the beginning of the school year, with a majority being Franco-Japanese (65%). 5 language pathways offered : Standard (33% of students), Parle English (26%), Parle Japanese (12%), SIA (21%), SIJ (8%). SIA : Despite […]
Categories : Primary School Council, Represent
Dear Parents, The FLT-Fapée team would like to express a heartfelt thank you for your participation to the 2023-2024 Board Council and School Council parent representatives’ elections. This year, the participation rate was of 31.6% for the School Council and 30.3% for the Elementary School Council. Your 2023-24 representatives for the Board Council (Conseil d’Etablissement) […]
Categories : Primary School Council, School Council
Dear Parents, Here is a reminder regarding the elections for the parent representatives to the boards of LFI Tokyo. Thank you for your attention. FLT team
Categories : Primary School Council, Primary, Jr, Hi School Councils Elections, School Council
Dear members, With the start of the new school year behind us, it’s time for the first councils and commissions! Wednesday October 11 will see the first CSD (secondary school council), followed on October 12 by the first School Council (equivalent to the CSD, but for primary schools). Form to submit your questions to […]
Categories : act, Inform, Junior and Senior High School Council, Primary School Council, Represent
Dear parents, You are warmly invited to come and see your children’s canteen on Thursday April 16th 2024. The visit, co-organized by FLT-FAPEE and LFI Tokyo, will start at 11:30am and will be followed by a lunch until 1:00pm. Four parents will be able to attend this event but other visits will be organized later. […]
Categories : Restauration committee, School canteen open week