Category: Support

NO to a 10% increase in tuition fees for 2023-2024!

Background During the Assemblée des Conseillers (pre-board of directors meeting) on Wednesday, March 16, the LFIT administration presented a budget for 2023-2024 that requires a 10% increase in tuition fees to cover a structural deficit. Part of this deficit can be explained by decisions made by the administration and validated by the Conseil d’Administration (board), […]

Categories : Board Meeting, FLT Role &Mission, Support

Results of the FLT survey on textbooks and school supplies

Please find more details on the survey on THIS PAGE.   At the request of the Tokyo LFI Families Association, the families of students from CM2 through to 1ere, who will be in 6e through Terminale at the beginning of the new school year, were invited to respond to the survey.   The email was […]

Categories : Our Activities, Support

Info FLT: FLT actions summary update for the 2nd week of school closure

間もなく日本語版を送ります。もう少々お待ちください。 Dear FLT members, dear parents,   Please find below a short update on the actions we have taken since the start of this health crisis. As members of the school community, we believe it is necessary to be as transparent as possible and to encourage communication and mutual help between parents. Since the start […]

Categories : COVID-19, Support
FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association