Dear parents, New school councils are convened at the beginning of next week to decide on the possible relaxation of the on-site lesson protocol for the last week of school. We prepared a short survey which also includes an evaluation component of the on-site lesson protocol and for families in primary school a short survey on […]
Categories : act, COVID-19, No classification, Represent, School Council
間もなく日本語版を送ります。もう少々お待ちください。 Dear Parents, Following Ms. Koike’s, the Governor of Tokyo, declarations, we wish to inform you that as of yesterday, we made a request to the LFI Tokyo’s administration to study the conditions for implementing a full reopening of the school, as quickly as possible and for the remaining of this academic year, The LFI […]
Categories : COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications
Dear members, During this period of school lock-down, the Parents Association FLT has been supporting the community by providing a venue for parent’s feed-back. Our last message was highly commented , with expression of both support and criticism. We would like to clarify some points in order to ensure a healthy and productive communication between […]
Categories : Advisory to the board committee, Board Meeting, COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Junior and Senior High School Council, Primary School Council, School Council, Who are the FLT-fapee
Dear Members, Over the last few months, our school has been through a series of intense debates, we wish to inform you of our FLT association’s actions. Today we report the key points discussed during the recent LFIT Board meeting, which lasted almost 3 hours and a half. A detailed summary will be available […]
Categories : Board Meeting, COVID-19, Exemption from school fees, INFO FLT and other communications
Dear Members, During these exceptional and difficult times, the Association (Familles du Lycée de Tokyo – FLT) remains at your side to hear from each of you. Over the last few months, our school has been through a series of high impact events and we would like to inform you of the role we have […]
Categories : COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Primary School Council, School Council
2020/05/26 CPD = Continuité Pédagogique à Distance (Remote learning) Number of responses 165 families responded to this survey sent to the FLT members and spread on Social Media including the “Parents LFIT” Facebook group. This represents 43 Maternelle pupils, 113 in Elementary school and 93 in Junior-Hi, 30 High School students. This represents […]
Categories : COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications
Dear members, During this period of school closure, the Lycee Families Association has been staying in contact with you and the head of the school. We would like to hereby inform you of the measures we have taken and of what we know so far. School is working on a restarting protocol at […]
Categories : Asking for financial help, COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Our Activities
Dear Members Please find below important information and updates received from the LFIT. 1- Scholarships: First commission for Consular Scholarship for the upcoming school year (2020-2021) AND the third trimester of the current school year (2019-2020): Deadline to turn in all documents is MAY 21st. All requests are now being reevaluated, taking the new situation […]
Categories : Asking for financial help, COVID-19, INFO FLT and other communications, Solidarity Fund committee
Dear FLT members, dear parents, Since the beginning of this health crisis, we have been listening to you while being as well in continuous communication with the Lycee. We are very attentive to the implementation of pedagogical continuity and we deeply appreciate the dedication of the teaching community. Nevertheless, aware of the difficulties encountered […]
Categories : act, COVID-19, Inform
間もなく日本語版を送ります。もう少々お待ちください。 Dear FLT members, dear parents, Please find below a short update on the actions we have taken since the start of this health crisis. As members of the school community, we believe it is necessary to be as transparent as possible and to encourage communication and mutual help between parents. Since the start […]
Categories : COVID-19, Support
Dear Parents, The LFI Tokyo will be closed at least until March 30th. The school is setting up distance (online) learning solutions but many of us also need daycare solution for our youngest kids. Some of you asked us to help organizing mutualized / resource pooling daycare, under the the guiding principles that : We […]
Categories : COVID-19, Support
Dear Parents, The LFI Tokyo will be closed at least until March 19th. The school is setting up distance (online) learning solutions but many of us also need daycare solution for our youngest kids. Some of you asked us to help organizing mutualized / resource pooling daycare, under the the guiding principles that : We […]
Categories : COVID-19, Support
Dear members, During the school closure, FLT continues to listen to you and is in close contact with the LFIT management team. Two Skype meetings were held on March 3rd and March 10th. Please find the summary of our discussions below. We invite you to share your comments and to contribute to the discussion using […]
Categories : COVID-19, Inform
Dear Parents, The LFI Tokyo will be closed at least until March 15th. The school is setting up distance (online) learning solutions but many of us also need daycare solution for our youngest kids. Some of you asked us to help organizing mutualized / resource pooling daycare, under the the guiding principles that : We […]
Categories : COVID-19, Support