Category: FLT Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the FLT General Assembly on September 23, 2024

Dear parents, dear members, This year, our general assembly began in person at the high school’s auditorium on Monday, September 23 at 9 a.m. and concluded with the end of the electronic voting on September 24 at 8 p.m. Around sixty parents gathered for the presentation of our association, its activities, and projects, and we […]

Categories : FLT Annual General Meeting

Reminder: General Meeting of Tokyo International School Families Saturday, September 23, 2023

Hello everyone! On Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, our General Assembly will take place. This is a significant and important moment in the life of an association. The FLT-Fapée 2023 General Assembly will be an opportunity for us to present our moral and financial report and to elect the association’s […]

Categories : Events, FLT Annual General Meeting, FLT Role &Mission, Our Activities, Our Team, Subscription

INFO-FLT: first school vacations at the end of this week!

Dear Parents,   The first part of the school year is coming to an end and the fall vacations fast approaching! It has been a busy time for the association and the families of the school. We have been able to meet many of you during the pre-school and back-to-school meetings at the lycée, as […]

Categories : act, EcoTeam, FLT Annual General Meeting, FLT Role &Mission, Lycee-cafe, Our Activities, Primary School Council, Primary, Jr, Hi School Councils Elections, School Council, Subscription, Who are the FLT-fapee

FLT general meeting – September 23rd, 2022

Dear members, This year, our general assembly was held in person at the LFI Tokyo’s auditorium on Friday, September 23, 2022 from 9 to 11 am. About fifty parents were gathered for rich exchanges around our activities, we thank them! The vote took place remotely. All members who have paid their 2022-23 membership fees received […]

Categories : FLT Annual General Meeting

Welcome Letter 2022

Dear LFI Tokyo families, Please find enclosed our welcome letter for the new school year. Some important links and information: Our website : Membership (to be renewed every year): Our partners offering discounted rates to FLT members: Save the date: International Q&A café Wednesday, September 14 at the Lycée from 9 to 11 a.m. – trilingual […]

Categories : act, FLT Annual General Meeting, Lycee-cafe, Subscription

FLT Board Meeting Septembre 26th 2020 10:30am

Dear Members, The FLT (LFI Tokyo Parents Association) Board Meeting will take place on Saturday September the 26th 2020 from 10:30 am. The meeting will take place over video conference, you can connect HERE ( ). You can watch the FLT President’s message here. If you have subscribed or renewed your annual membership to the FLT […]

Categories : act, FLT Annual General Meeting, More info about LFIT instances, Our Activities, Our Team, Represent, Who are the FLT-fapee

FLT Board Meeting Sept 16 2019 (Monday)

Dear Parents, The Parents Representative Association of the LFI Tokyo (FLT) wishes you all the best for this new school year 2019-2020. Please to reach out for more information on how you can help your association and please subscribe online ! The Annual FLT Board Meeting will be held on Sept 16 2019 (Monday, bank […]

Categories : FLT Annual General Meeting

FLT new board

Dear FLT Members,   Following our General Meeting on Sept. 30, we are pleased to announce the composition of the new board of FLT for 2017-2018: President: Vincent Brancourt-Ito Vice-president Junior High school: Marie-Laure Clément Vice-president Primary school: Pierre-François Vilquin Treasurer: Amal Iguider Secretary: Myriam Dartois-Ako As well as Elisabeth Beaufort, Priscilla Bergeret, Ludivine Carnel, […]

Categories : act, FLT Annual General Meeting, INFO FLT and other communications, Inform, Primary, Jr, Hi School Councils Elections

CE&FLT General Meeting

28Dear FLT Members,   The next Conseil d’Etablissement (LFI Tokyo School Council) will take place on October 4th. LFIT School Council (CE): This body oversees the Primary and Secondary School. It reviews the topics discussed during the Primary School and Junior/Senior High School Councils. It can make decisions regarding educational and organizational matters within the […]

Categories : act, FLT Annual General Meeting, INFO FLT and other communications, Inform, Represent, School Council

back to school & AGM

Dear FLT Members, Summer is coming to an end and soon it will be back-to-school time! We strongly advise you to fill out / update the LFIT survey regarding your children personal information – not later than Thursday, September 1st. Friday, September 2nd is the first day of classes for the students, the schedule is […]

Categories : FLT Annual General Meeting, INFO FLT and other communications, Primary, Jr, Hi School Councils Elections, Subscription, Who are the FLT-fapee
FLT-Fapee : LFI Tokyo Families Association